Dowry – A Disgrace and Inhumane Practice on Sunday 29 July
Australian Parliament has set up a Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee to review “The practice of dowry and the incidence of dowry abuse in Australia”. More details:
Federation of Indian Associations of ACT (FINACT) is providing collective representation and making a submission to the committee. FINACT is organising a public consultation workshop to address the issues of dowry abuse in Australia. The workshop will set-up a context and diverse perspectives by providing few speakers and seeking your input to prepare the submission. The workshop will be attended by professionals like lawyers and doctors.
FINACT invites you to attend and provide views, issues, concerns, perceptions and suggestions of your communities perspective on this important issue at this public consultation. Your contribution is highly useful for the diaspora to submit appropriate information in the submission.
Venue: Labour Club, Chandler Street, Belconnen
Date: Sunday 29 July 2018
Time: 2.30pm to 5:00pm
For more information, please contact:
Sunita Dhindsa, 0403 113 007, Secretary.Finact@gmail.
Nishi Puri, 0412 772 974, [email protected]
Krishna Nadimpalli, 0499 199 910, President.Finact@gmail.
Kanti Jinna, 0421 117 430, [email protected]