Independence Day Message by Giulia Jones MLA

Celebrating 67 years of Indian Independence

I am pleased to congratulate you on the 67th Anniversary of Indian Independence.

As the Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs I am so honoured to support FINACT and the Indian community here in Canberra and to be a part of this great celebration.


GiuliaJLast year I had the pleasure of attending the Indian Independence day celebrations; it was one of my favourite events of the year. The celebrations have a great community atmosphere that is vibrant and full of life and I especially appreciate that the FINACT and IAAC events are so family friendly.

As Mahatma Ghandi famously said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” There is no doubt that FINACT and the IAAC along with the broader Indian community in Canberra are indeed striving to be this change.

One thing I really love about the Indian community is that everywhere I go in I find Indians running businesses and working hard.

My sincere thanks to: FINACT, IAAC, and the Indian High Commission for all your hard work in positively promoting Indian culture here in Canberra.

I look forward to once again being a part of the celebrations.

Yours sincerely,

Giulia Jones MLA
Member for Molonglo