General Council Meeting at the Parliament House

FINACT General Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 15 November 2016 at the Parliament House.

Meeting started with an inspiring address by our host Senator the Hon Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Multicultural Affairs, followed by an introduction by all delegates. The GC further introduced and endorced new membership, reviewed activities since last GC meeting, financial status, upcoming events/activities, discussed preparation of ongoing Cricket Tournament, plans for the Multicultural Festival and Community Harmony day.

FINACT thanks all the associations and their delegates for a very constructive General Council meeting. We welcome Indian Students’ Association (InSA) and Sprintz Inc within the umbrella of FINACT. The InSA and Sprintz are already making invaluable contributions to communities and FINACT will encourage and involve the young people in decision-making processes on issues that affect them.
